When and how to use Lempel-Ziv complexity
The Lempel-Ziv complexity (LZ) is a popular tool to quantify the uncertainty
contained in time series data. In particular, LZ measures how “diverse”
are the patterns that are present in a particular signal.
The LZ method was introduced back in 1976 by the electrical engineers Abraham
Lempel and Jacob Ziv to study binary sequences [Lempel1976].
These core ideas were later extended
[Ziv1977,Ziv1978a] to become the basis of the
well-known zip
compression algorithm, which is used every day by millions of
people to compress files. In parallel, this algorithm has been used by
scientists to study the diversity of patterns in signals of diverse nature. In
particular, studies on EEG brain activity have been carried out using LZ for
more than 20 years, with some early studies focusing on epilepsy
[Radhakrishnan1998] and depth of anaesthesia
[Zhang2001], and more modern ones on other altered states of
consciousness [Schartner2017]. Outside neuroscience, LZ has
also been used to study the complexity of DNA sequences
[Gusev1999] and ventricular fibrillation
[Zhang1999], and has become a well-established tool for
biomedical data analysis [Aboy2006].
LZ is calculated in two steps. First, the value of a given signal of length
is binarised. The standard way of doing this is calculating its mean value
and turning each data point above it to 1
s and each point below it to 0
however, other possibilities have also been used (thresholding over the median, using the Hilbert transform, etc…).
As a second step, the resulting binary sequence is scanned sequentially looking for distinct
structures or patterns, building up a dictionary that summarises
the sequences seen so far. Finally, the LZ index is determined by
the length of this dictionary; i.e., is the number of
distinct patterns found, denoted by . Note that regular signals can be
characterized by a small number of patterns and hence have low LZ complexity,
while irregular signals require long dictionaries and hence have a high LZ
Following the reasoning above, the LZ method identifies signal complexity with richness of content [Mitchell2009]. In this way, a signal is regarded as complex if it is not possible to provide a brief (i.e. compressed) representation of it.
A popular way of making sense of LZ is by considering a proxy for estimating the value of the Kolmogorov complexity, which is the length of the shortest computer program that reproduce a given pattern [Vitanyi1997]. However, we argue that this view is brittle in theory and of limited use in practice. As a matter of fact, the comparison between the Kolmogorov complexities of finite strings is highly problematic [Cover2006]. The Kolmogorov complexity of a finite string differs by an additive constant depending on the Turing machine used to compress it. The problem is that for finite of any length the magnitude of this constant is unbounded, making comparisons between Kolmogorov complexities estimated from finite data essentially meaningless.
A simpler and more straightforward interpretation of LZ is by to focus on the quantity
which is known to be an efficient estimator of the entropy rate of [Ziv1978b]. The entropy rate is a quantity from Information Theory, which measures how many bits of innovation are introduced by each new data sample [Cover2006]. Moreover, the entropy rate is a good measure of how hard it is to predict the next value of a sequence. In effect, one half of the entropy rate approximates the probability of making an error with the best informed guess about the next sample [Feder1994]. Note that while LZ can – strictly speaking – be applied to non-stationary data, the interpretation as entropy rate assumes that the data is stationary. The previous interpretation is valid to the so called LZ76, which was defined by [Lempel1976]. There are two other versions of the LZ algorithm, known as LZ77 and LZ78 according to the year in which they were published. The numerical value of LZ differs when computed by the different versions; however, by using appropriate scaling any of these can be made to converge to the entropy rate of the process. However, in our experience LZ76 converge faster than LZ77 and LZ78, and also it computational time is much faster.
Sample Python code to calculate LZ76 complexity can be found in this website.
Schartner, M. M., Carhart-Harris, R. L., Barrett, A. B., Seth, A. K., & Muthukumaraswamy, S. D. (2017). Increased spontaneous MEG signal diversity for psychoactive doses of ketamine, LSD and psilocybin. Scientific Reports, 7, 46421.
Lempel A, Ziv J (1976) On the complexity of finite sequences. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 22(1):75–81.
Ziv J, Lempel A (1977) A universal algorithm for sequential data compression. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 23(3):337–343.
Ziv J, Lempel A (1978) Compression of individual sequences via variable-rate coding. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 24(5):530–536.
Radhakrishnan N, Gangadhar B (1998) Estimating regularity in epileptic seizure time-series data. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 17(3):89–94.
Zhang XS, Roy RJ, Jensen EW (2001) EEG complexity as a measure of depth of anesthesia for patients. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 48(12):1424–1433.
Gusev VD, Nemytikova LA, Chuzhanova NA (1999) On the complexity measures of genetic sequences. Bioinformatics 15(12):994–999.
Zhang XS, Zhu YS, Thakor NV, Wang ZZ (1999) Detecting ventricular tachycardia and fibril- lation by complexity measure. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 46(5):548–555.
Aboy M, Hornero R, Abásolo D, Álvarez D (2006) Interpretation of the Lempel-Ziv complex- ity measure in the context of biomedical signal analysis. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 53(11):2282–2288.
Mitchell M (2009) Complexity: A guided tour. (Oxford University Press).
Vitanyi PM, Li M (1997) An introduction to Kolmogorov complexity and its applications. (Springer Heidelberg) Vol. 34.
Cover TM, Thomas JA (2006) Elements of Information Theory. (Wiley, Hoboken).
Ziv J (1978) Coding theorems for individual sequences. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
Feder M, Merhav N (1994) Relations between entropy and error probability. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 40(1):259–266.
Kaspar F, Schuster H (1987) Easily calculable measure for the complexity of spatiotemporal patterns. Physical Review A 36(2):842.